Archive for Month: May 2018

The Ross Ulbricht Case: Free-Man’s Perspective

Free Ross satellite image

Ross Ulbricht is dedicated to non-violence and non-aggression. And the US Government sent him to prison for the rest of his life. The story here is worth everyone paying heed to. There are bad people in government doing bad things to advance their careers (or just for the sake of being bad). And they wield the power of government against good and innocent people, who have shockingly little recourse against their malfeasance. We need to support Ross…

See if you can find where “FREE ROSS” is mowed into the field here  (bottom left) on this Google Earth satellite image.

John Hunt Talks About the Writing of Speculator with Peter McCandless

Speculator book coverPeter McCandless interviews John Hunt about the writing of Speculator – listen to the interview here.


The Status Quo is Deathly Boring: Free-Man’s Perspective

Published on Free-Man’s Perspective, Paul Rosenberg discusses obedience: “To obey is to turn off your mind. To obey is to live someone else’s life. The life of meek obedience is a sin against the self. It is a surrender of mind and passion … The system is geared to keep [you] shuffling forward quietly unto death. What a waste. What a crime. What a bore.”

Doug Casey on Migrants and the Future of the West

Capitalism and Morality LogoAt the Capitalism & Morality seminar that was held in Vancouver in July of 2017, Doug gave a highly thought-provoking speech on migrants and the future of the West. Check it out here.

Doug Casey on Peace in the Korean Peninsula

Doug CaseyOriginally published on Casey’s Daily Dispatch, Doug shares his views on what the ‘era of peace’ will mean for the world. Because it is “shrouded in guesswork and secrecy,” it’s difficult to know what to believe, but it seems to be a positive. Read more here.

Prometheus Award Nominees Podcast

Prometheus Award Nominees PodcastListen to this podcast in which John Hunt, co-author of the High Ground Series novels, joins many of the other 2018 Prometheus Award nominees. John discusses DRUG LORD, and the other authors discuss their books. Together they share their thoughts on interesting topics that include anarcho-capitalism and libertarian ethics, artificial intelligence and more. Download or stream the podcast here.

Gregory Sams on What Life Would be Like Without the State

Gregory Sams PhotoIn a 2-minute nutshell, Gregory Sams, artist and author of Sun of gOd, explains that we can thrive without the oppression of the state. Check it out here.