Archive for Month: April 2018

Doug Casey Discusses the Demise of Nation States

Doug Casey shares his views on nation states in a post originally published on Casey Daily Dispatch. He’s described nation states as an “inefficient, counterproductive, and expensive nuisance” and says it’s good news that they’re declining.

Why do I Fail to Believe the Climate Scientists? An Article by John Hunt

John Hunt, co-author of the High Ground Series novels, presents his skepticism not of climate change, but of climate scientists that inform us all. Originally published in Casey Daily Dispatch, the article describes the layered self-reinforcing biases that exist in the academic process, and how this common academic concern is particularly troublesome for how and what we hear about climate change.


The Politically Correct Definition of Racism Is Racist

Published on Casey’s Daily Dispatch, the following article was written by John Hunt and is a thought-provoking look at the term ‘racism.’ He explains the significant difference between the collectivist and individualist definitions of ‘racism’ and offers a solution to the issue of racism.

‘As the War Machine Threatens’ with Comments from John Hunt

Read As the War Machine Threatens, published on Free-Man’s Perspective. John Hunt comments,

“In Syria it is a battle between bullies. Wouldn’t it be nice if they just beat each other to a pulp while we, instead of sticking our nose in, lived our free lives? But there is danger that we in the US might further enter the fray and poke the Russian dragon in the process, possibly based on a false flag operation.  May sane minds prevail.  Too bad there are so many sociopaths in positions of power.”


Larry Correia on Gun Control

Doug Casey notes that this is a “generally excellent article, indeed,” while John Hunt describes the article as, “A thorough and rational discussion that will remind gun owners of their moral high ground. And will cause gun banners to become defensive and hurl insults and generally decay into infancy as they try to protect their egos from exposure to truth.” Check it out!

What to do if the Economy Collapses: Robert & Kim Kiyosaki Interview Doug Casey

Doug Casey on the Rich Dad Radio ShowIn an interview with Robert and Kim Kiyosaki, Doug Casey shares his views on what you can do to protect your wealth and even make money in an uncertain economy. Listen to the pod cast here.

Head of Blockchain for JPMorgan Leaving to Start a Business

John Hunt says, “Perhaps this is the beginning of a banking brain-drain. Despite the banking sector’s allure as the greatest beneficiary of central banking cronyism, the free market of crypto and blockchain siphons bright people away from them. I hope this continues and accelerates.”

A Look at Health ‘Insurance’: Peter McCandless Interviews John Hunt

John Hunt on the PeterMacShowJohn Hunt speaks with Peter McCandless about his views on the current state of health insurance, which he says is really a pre-paid  medical care plan and not designed to ‘ensure’ health in any regard. Listen to the pod cast here.

Drug Lord is a Finalist for 38th Annual Prometheus Award for Best Novel

Doug Casey and John Hunt are among the six finalists selected for the Prometheus Award for Best Novel, for their 2017 novel, Drug Lord. For nearly 40 years, the Prometheus Award has been Drug Lord Nominated for 38th Annual Prometheus Awardpresented annually by the Libertarian Futurist Society, recognizing notable works of science fiction and fantasy that examine the meaning of freedom. The first in the High Ground Series novels, Speculator, was among those nominated for last year’s Prometheus Award. This year’s winners will be announced at the World Science Fiction Convention in August.

Finalists for the 38th Annual Prometheus Award:

Drug Lord: High Ground by Doug Casey and John Hunt

The Powers of the Earth by Travis Corcoran

Torchship, Torchship Pilot and Torchship Captain by Karl Gallagher

Darkship Revenge by Sarah Hoyt

The Corporation Wars: Emergence by Ken MacLeod

Artemis by Andy Weir